Results for 'Amy E. White'

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  1.  37
    Review essay: Stakes and kidneys: Why markets in human body parts are morally imperative, by James Stacey Taylor.Ph D. Amy E. White - 2005 - HEC Forum 17 (4):319-322.
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  2. The impact of the internet on our moral lives.Amy E. White - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (3-4):537-539.
  3.  16
    Limits to Markets with Limits, an Examination of James Stacey Taylor, Market with Limits: How the Commodification of Academia Derails Debate.Amy E. White - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):11-16.
    In Markets with Limits: How Commodification of Academia Derails Debate, James Stacey Taylor presents a well-written book that is, in great part, a response to Peter Jaworski and Jason Brennan’s work Markets Without Limits: Moral Virtues and Commercial Interests. In the first part of Taylor’s book, he effectively illustrates the misguided nature of many of Jaworski and Brennan’s arguments. Taylor maintains that Brennan and Jaworski misinterpret the work of their “anti-commodification” opponents. After this critique, the book takes a dramatic turn (...)
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  4.  44
    Manon Garcia: We Are Not Born Submissive.Amy E. White - 2023 - Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (4):759-762.
  5.  16
    Why Climate Breakdown Matters, by Rupert Read.Amy E. White - 2023 - Teaching Philosophy 46 (2):282-286.
  6.  50
    The morality of an internet market in human ova.Amy E. White - 2006 - Journal of Value Inquiry 40 (2-3):311-321.
  7. The Obscenity of Internet Pornography: A Philosophical Analysis of the Regulation of Sexually Explicit Internet Content.Amy E. White - 2004 - Dissertation, Bowling Green State University
    This dissertation has two principle aims: To show that current arguments from proponents and opponents of the regulation of sexually explicit Internet content are unsound and to construct an argument against content regulation that avoids the failures of current arguments. ;The dissertation is organized into seven chapters. In Chapter One I provide background information on attempts to regulate sexually explicit materials and briefly outline the development of the Internet. Chapter Two examines the current regulation of obscenity on the Internet. Chapter (...)
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    Dave Monroe, ed.Porn: How to Think with Kink: Chichester, England: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010, 262 pp. ISBN 978-1405199629 $19.95 pb. [REVIEW]Amy E. White - 2011 - Journal of Value Inquiry 45 (4):491-492.
  9.  99
    Rae Langton, sexual solipsism: Philosophical essays on pornography and objectification. [REVIEW]Amy E. White - 2010 - Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (3):413-423.
  10.  77
    The lie of fmri: An examination of the ethics of a market in lie detection using functional magnetic resonance imaging. [REVIEW]Amy E. White - 2010 - HEC Forum 22 (3):253-266.
    In this paper, I argue that companies who use functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) scans for lie detection encounter the same basic ethical stumbling blocks as commercial companies that market traditional polygraphs. Markets in traditional voluntary polygraphs are common and fail to elicit much uproar among ethicists. Thus, for consistency, if markets in polygraphs are ethically unproblematic, markets using fMRIs for lie detection are equally as acceptable. Furthermore, while I acknowledge two substantial differences between the ethical concerns involving polygraphs and (...)
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  11. Amy E. White’s Virtually Obscene: The Case for an Uncensored Internet. [REVIEW]James Taylor - 2007 - Reason Papers 29:185-195.
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  12. Mary's Powers of Imagination.Amy Kind - 2019 - In Sam Coleman, The Knowledge Argument. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 161-179.
    One common response to the knowledge argument is the ability hypothesis. Proponents of the ability hypothesis accept that Mary learns what seeing red is like when she exits her black-and-white room, but they deny that the kind of knowledge she gains is propositional in nature. Rather, she acquires a cluster of abilities that she previously lacked, in particular, the abilities to recognize, remember, and imagine the color red. For proponents of the ability hypothesis, knowing what an experience is like (...)
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  13.  25
    Gender, Race, and Affirmative Action: Operationalizing Intersectionality in Survey Research.Janice Johnson Dias, Julie E. Press & Amy C. Steinbugler - 2006 - Gender and Society 20 (6):805-825.
    In this article, the authors operationalize the intersection of gender and race in survey research. Using quantitative data from the Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality, they investigate how gender/racial stereotypes about African Americans affect Whites’ attitudes about two types of affirmative action programs: job training and education and hiring and promotion. The authors find that gender/racial prejudice towards Black women and Black men influences Whites’ opposition to affirmative action at different levels than negative attitudes towards Blacks as a group. Prejudice (...)
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    Unsettling the South through Postcolonial Feminist Theory.Amy Piedalue & Susmita Rishi - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (3):548.
    Abstract:Across public and intellectual audiences, postcolonial feminism is often understood to only apply to the “post-colony”. This assumption fails to capture the significant intellectual contributions of postcolonial feminist theory, whilst relegating postcolonial feminist scholars' insights to the margins of the academy and social theory. This move reproduces temporal and geographic logics that presume imperialism “happened” only in the past (and is complete/over) and only in territories counted as the properties of (former) empires (i.e. in the global South and not the (...)
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    The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy (review).Amy Richlin - 2008 - American Journal of Philology 129 (1):131-135.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman ComedyAmy RichlinC. W. Marshall. The Stagecraft and Performance of Roman Comedy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xiv + 320 pp. 2 black-and-white figs. Cloth, $90.C. W. Marshall's new book forms part of the productive trend towards treating ancient theater as performance. In 1991 David Wiles began The Masks of Menander (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, xi) by commenting on the institutional divide (...)
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    Cross-age effects on forensic face construction.Cristina Fodarella, Charity Brown, Amy Lewis & Charlie D. Frowd - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:150026.
    The own-age bias (OAB) refers to recognition memory being more accurate for people of our own-age than other-age groups (e.g., Wright and Stroud, 2002). This paper investigated whether the OAB effect is present during construction of human faces (also known as facial composites, often for forensic/police use). In doing so, it adds to our understanding of factors influencing both facial memory across the life span as well as performance of facial composites. Participant-witnesses were grouped into younger(19-35) and older(51-80) adults, and (...)
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  17.  42
    Preverbal infants identify emotional reactions that are incongruent with goal outcomes.Amy E. Skerry & Elizabeth S. Spelke - 2014 - Cognition 130 (2):204-216.
  18. Karl Marx on technology and alienation.Amy E. Wendling - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction -- Karl Marx's concept of alienation -- Objectification, alienation, and estrangement -- Other origins of alienation and objectification -- Marx's account of alienation : from early to late -- The alienated object of production : commodity fetishism -- The alienated means of production : machine fetishism -- Machines and the transformation of work -- Marx's energeticist turn -- The first law of thermodynamics -- From arbeit to arbeitskraft -- The second law of thermodynamics -- Machines in the communist future (...)
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  19.  57
    Is Buddhist Karmic Theory False?: J. E. WHITE.J. E. White - 1983 - Religious Studies 19 (2):223-228.
    In his recent article ‘Notes Towards a Critique of Buddhist Karmic Theory’ Paul J. Griffiths makes four criticisms of Buddhist karmic theory: it is empirically false, it is incoherent, it is morally repugnant, and it is vacuous. After listing these four criticisms, Griffiths concludes that ‘all these mean that Buddhist karmic theory as expounded in the major theoretical works devoted to it must be false’.
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  20.  46
    Examination of the suitability of collecting in event cognitive processes using Think Aloud protocol in golf.Amy E. Whitehead, Jamie A. Taylor & Remco C. J. Polman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:139660.
    Two studies examined the use of think aloud (TA) protocol as a means for collecting data of cognitive processes during performance in golf. In study 1, TA was employed to examine if different verbalisation (Level 2 or Level 3 TA) instructions influence performance of high and low skilled golfers. Participants performed 30 putts using TA at either Level 2, Level 3, or no verbalization condition. Although Level 3 verbalization produced a higher volume of verbal data than Level 2, TA at (...)
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  21.  37
    The Maintenance of an Organization’s Socially Responsible Practice.Amy E. Randel - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (1):61-83.
    The maintenance of an organization’s socially responsible practice is explained by linking perspectives within a cross-level framework. The proposed framework incorporates research on the institutional environment (societal level), organizational identity (organizational level), and champions’ tactics (individual level). Under different institutional environmental conditions, organizational identity and champions’tactics are posited to be differentially effective in supporting a socially responsible practice. The theoretical framework presented is suggestive of directions for empirical work on the maintenance of firms’ socially responsible practices and offers suggestions to (...)
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  22.  18
    Reconceiving Decisions at the End of Life in Pediatrics: Decision-Making as a Form of Ritual.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2019 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 62 (2):301-318.
    Medical anthropologists have long recognized variation between cultures with regard to the locus of healing in different systems and traditions: that is, in some cultures, the human body is a “bounded physical unit” and healing is thus focused on the body alone. This perspective will be most familiar to Western health-care providers, and indeed, many providers do not imagine an alternative perspective. However, in many cultures, experiences of health, illness, disease, and healing are intricately connected with the social spheres. In (...)
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  23.  20
    The cause of infant categorization?Amy E. Booth - 2008 - Cognition 106 (2):984-993.
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    Turn Up the Heat.Amy E. Wendling - 2017 - Philosophy Today 61 (4):1069-1081.
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  25. Evidence for Skill Level Differences in the Thought Processes of Golfers During High and Low Pressure Situations.Amy E. Whitehead, Jamie A. Taylor & Remco C. J. Polman - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  26.  39
    Money and the meaning of life: The fantasy of instant wealth.Amy E. Wendling - 2019 - Human Affairs 29 (4):470-478.
    Is the meaning of life to get rich quick? That would certainly explain the way many people have lived under the spell of a constitutive fantasy: the fantasy of instant wealth. Drawing on Lacan’s Discourse of the Capitalist, the article explores the fantasy of instant wealth and its relationship to addiction, especially addiction to shopping. The article concludes with a meditation on how the fantasy of instant wealth supplants and in some ways contradicts another fantasy: the fantasy of labour.
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    The Dignity of Labor?Amy E. Wendling - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy 38 (2):179-194.
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  28. The heritage of student affairs in higher education: history, philosophy, and values.Amy E. French (ed.) - 2025 - Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, Publisher.
    This book prioritizes integrating social justice into student affairs by discussing professional identity, standards, and competencies throughout each chapter. Infusing historical context, philosophical foundations, elements of ethical decision-making, service and experiential learning, and leadership models takes practice and requires intentionality. Chapter One of this text will address in more detail the history of student affairs from an equity and justice perspective. Chapter Two introduces the ethic of care and social justice. Chapter Three discusses the philosophical and practical applications of experiential (...)
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  29.  41
    Bringing theories of word learning in line with the evidence.Amy E. Booth & Sandra R. Waxman - 2003 - Cognition 87 (3):215-218.
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  30. Rough, Foul-Mouthed Boys: Women’s Monstrous Laboring Bodies.Amy E. Wendling - 2007 - Radical Philosophy Today 5:49-67.
    Karl Marx claims that alienation inheres in all wage labor. I raise questions about the applicability of this claim to subjects of patriarchy. In the first section, I discuss industrial wage labor and its allure for women who were trying to escape the norms of familial patriarchy. In the second section, I extend this criticism of Marx’s claim by considering the racially enslaved subjects of the Antebellum American South, for whom economicallyrecognized wage labor was still a bloody political battle. Finally, (...)
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  31.  34
    The Changing Nature of Legitimate Authority in the Just War Tradition.Amy E. Eckert - 2020 - Journal of Military Ethics 19 (2):84-98.
    During the Middle Ages, the principle of legitimate or right authority constituted a central part of the just war tradition. The question of which actors had the authority to declare war was so cen...
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    Obligations beyond national borders: International institutions and distributive justice.Amy E. Eckert - 2008 - Journal of Global Ethics 4 (1):67 – 78.
    Recent scholarship has tied duties of distributive justice to the existence of coercive institutions. This body of work argues that, because the international system lacks institutions that can coerce individuals in the same manner as domestic institutions, there are no international obligations to address relative poverty and inequality. Proponents of this view use it to support the existence of a compatriot preference that requires us to meet the needs of compatriots before meeting those of the global poor. Even supposing distributive (...)
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  33. Cingulo-Opercular and Frontoparietal Network Control of Effort and Fatigue in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.Amy E. Ramage, Kimberly L. Ray, Hannah M. Franz, David F. Tate, Jeffrey D. Lewis & Donald A. Robin - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Neural substrates of fatigue in traumatic brain injury are not well understood despite the considerable burden of fatigue on return to productivity. Fatigue is associated with diminishing performance under conditions of high cognitive demand, sense of effort, or need for motivation, all of which are associated with cognitive control brain network integrity. We hypothesize that the pathophysiology of TBI results in damage to diffuse cognitive control networks, disrupting coordination of moment-to-moment monitoring, prediction, and regulation of behavior. We investigate the cingulo-opercular (...)
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    The Finality of the Christian Religion. George Burman Foster.Amy E. Tanner - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 17 (2):253-259.
  35. Crisis Theory and the False Desire of Home Ownership.Amy E. Wendling - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (2):199-210.
    Marx claims that economic crisis is endemic to capitalism and will worsen as capitalism develops. The article situates Marx’s crisis theory within the discipline of political economy, explains its relationship to mainstream economics, charts economic crises that have happened since the 1840s, and explains Marx’s crisis theorem of the fall in the rate of profit. In conclusion, the 2008 economic crisis, and the notion of crisis in general, are speculatively considered. Special attention is given to the affective desire to own (...)
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  36.  47
    One hundred years of forgetting: A quantitative description of retention.David C. Rubin & Amy E. Wenzel - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (4):734-760.
  37.  17
    Natural acts: reconnecting with nature to recover community, spirit, and self.Amy E. Dean - 1997 - New York: M. Evans.
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    The political philosophy of cosmopolitanism - by Gillian Brock and Harry Brighouse.Amy E. Eckert - 2006 - Ethics and International Affairs 20 (3):394–396.
  39. A cognitive map of indicative and subjunctive mood use in Spanish.Amy E. Gregory - 2001 - Pragmatics and Cognition 9 (1):99-133.
    Of general interest, this study confirms the syntactic manifestation of the interpersonal dynamics of the participants in discourse and of their high-level cognitive processes therein. More specifically, this study formalizes categories of the Spanish indicative and subjunctive in a cognitive map based on the deictic organization of the Spanish mood system. This cognitive map, based on a pragmasyntactic approach to mood use, allows us to view mood in Spanish as a mechanism that establishes metaphorical distance from the individual’s here and (...)
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  40.  18
    Editorial Note.Amy E. Wendling - 2023 - Radical Philosophy Review 26 (2):3-3.
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    Choosing to Care for Children Who Might Die: Conversations with Pediatric Residents.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2017 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 60 (2):247-257.
    Not long after matriculation—sometimes even before—medical students begin hearing the question, "So, what are you going into?" It can be heard as a colloquial version of a practical question, "To which type of residency are you planning to apply?" Some will evade the question, claiming, perhaps sincerely, to be fascinated by everything from radiology to geriatrics, open to all possible paths. Others will acknowledge that they enjoy or dread working with children, that they crave long-term relationships or bursts of adrenaline, (...)
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  42.  16
    The Elevation of the College Woman's Ideals.Amy E. Tanner - 1906 - International Journal of Ethics 17 (3):361.
  43.  16
    The Ruling Ideas: Bourgeois Political Concepts.Amy E. Wendling - 2012 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books.
    The concepts that organize our thinking wield, by virtue of this fact, a great deal of political power. This book looks at five concepts whose dominion has increased, steadily, during the bourgeois period of modernity: Labor, Time, Property, Value, and Crisis. These ruling ideas are central not only to many academic disciplines— from philosophy and law to the political, social, and economic sciences— but also to everyday life.
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  44. New Waves in Philosophy of Technology.Amy E. Wendling & Elizabeth M. Sokolowski - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (2):195-207.
    Essay Review of New Waves in the Philosophy of Technology (Olsen/Selinger). Treats issue of difference of technology in Marx and Heidegger at some length.
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  45. The Elevation of the College Woman's Ideals.Amy E. Tanner - 1907 - International Journal of Ethics 17 (3):361-370.
  46.  49
    Acquiescence is Not Agreement: The Problem of Marginalization in Pediatric Decision Making.Amy E. Caruso Brown - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (6):4-16.
    Although parents are the default legal surrogate decision-makers for minor children in the U.S., shared decision making in a pluralistic society is often much more complicated, involving not just parents and pediatricians, but also grandparents, other relatives, and even community or religious elders. Parents may not only choose to involve others in their children’s healthcare decisions but choose to defer to another; such deference does not imply agreement with the decision being made and adds complexity when disagreements arise between surrogate (...)
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  47.  51
    National Defense and State Personality.Amy E. Eckert - 2009 - Journal of International Political Theory 5 (2):161-176.
    In his provocative book War and Self-Defense, David Rodin criticizes attempts to justify national defense based on an analogy between the individual and the state. In doing so, he treats state personality as an analogy to the personality of the individual. Yet the state possesses the key attributes of moral personality, including a conception of the good life and a sense of justice. The state's unobservable — but nevertheless real — moral personality means that it also possessed the right to (...)
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  48.  37
    Psychosocial aspects of childhood obesity.Amy E. Sgrenci & Myles S. Faith - 2011 - In Luis A. Moreno, Iris Pigeot & Wolfgang Ahrens, Epidemiology of Obesity in Children and Adolescents: Prevalence and Etiology. Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 419--429.
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  49.  38
    Principles that are invoked in the acquisition of words, but not facts.Sandra R. Waxman & Amy E. Booth - 2000 - Cognition 77 (2):B33-B43.
  50.  14
    Moral distress among acute mental health nurses: A systematic review.Sara Lamoureux, Amy E. Mitchell & Elizabeth M. Forster - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (7):1178-1195.
    Moral distress has been identified as an occupational hazard for clinicians caring for vulnerable populations. The aim of this systematic review was (i) to summarize the literature reporting on prevalence of, and factors related to, moral distress among nurses within acute mental health settings, and (ii) to examine the efficacy of interventions designed to address moral distress among nurses within this clinical setting. A comprehensive literature search was conducted in October 2022 utilizing Nursing & Allied Health, Embase, CINAHL, PsychInfo, and (...)
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